On arrival at Guernsey Harbour, you will need to collect your tickets from the Sark Shipping office.
Please also ask for Blue Luggage Labels for Island deliveries.
You will need to label all your luggage with these labels, clearly stating:
Your name
The property you are staying at
Your mobile number
You will need to take your luggage down the ramp and make sure it is put on the boat.
Once it is on the boat you can forget all about it, as it will be unloaded for you in Sark and our carter will collect it from the quay and deliver it to your accommodation.
When you get off the boat, walk straight through the tunnel, where a tractor bus will be waiting to take anyone not wishing to walk up the harbour hill. The cost of this is £1.50 per adult and 50p for children. This service takes you to the top of the harbour hill.
La Grange, Le Grand and Le Petit
From the tractor bus, continue up the hill and over the crossroads on to The Avenue.
Continue to the end of the Avenue, turn right just past the Gallery Stores, follow the road on past St Peters Church and the Chief Pleas Offices to the crossroads.
On your immediate left you will find the stone entry onto the Clos a Jaon complex, where all cottages have name plaques on the outside wall.
Your accommodation will be unlocked and the key on the kitchen table for you.
Le Friquet
From the tractor bus, continue up the hill and over the crossroads on to The Avenue.
Continue to the end of the Avenue, turn right just past the Gallery Stores, follow the road on past St Peters Church, where you will find your accommodation as the first house on the lane to your left.
Your accommodation will be unlocked and the key on the kitchen table for you.
Chez Nous & L’Autre Coin
From the tractor bus, continue up the hill to the cross roads, turn right and proceed past the HSBC Bank for approx 400 yards.
Turn right again, continue past the Mermaid Tavern to the end of the lane.
Turn left and Chez Nous is the second house on the right. The house name plaque is on the outside wall of the house. L’Autre Coin is the third house, making the corner.
Your accommodation will be unlocked and the key on the kitchen table for you.