There isn’t much point in visiting a tiny island in the middle of a thriving channel if you’re only going to gaze at the waves from dry land, so why not avail of a friendly, safe and reliable charter launch service during your stay? After all, beautiful views work in both directions, so where better to enjoy the sight of the jewel-like island of Sark than from a boat offshore?
George Guille and his son Morgan offer daily boat trips around the island. With over 50 years' experience navigating the waters around Sark, he provides a fabulous insight into the island's history, daily life and best spots to visit. Guests will also see natural rock formations, caves, islets and abundant wildlife, including the resident peregrine falcons, guillemots, razor-bills and cormorants. Keen eyed guests may get lucky and also see puffins, seals and bottle nosed dolphins.
George's boat, Non Pareil, sets off from Creux harbour twice daily (depending on the weather) at 11.00 and 14.00. The trip lasts approximately 2.5 hours.
Call George on +44 1481 832107 or +44 7911 764246 to book a trip, or book at Sark Visitor Centre +44 1481 832345. Trips start at Easter and normally run through to October (weather permitting).